Gordo's photos from March 1998
All photos and text Copyright © 1998 Gordon Richardson gordonr@iafrica.com

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I have been "locked" to my compter setting up this website,
so these cloud photos came as a great bonus - enjoy!

Sunset spectacle on cirrus over Constantiaberg

sunset spectacle on cirrus over Constantiaberg

Sunrise spectacles with alto stratus and with mist

sunrise spectacle with alto stratus misty sunrise spectacle over Kenilworth Racecourse

Sunrise on cirrus with crescent moon (all 25 March 1998)

sunrise on cirrus with crescent moon sunrise on cirrus

cirrus at dawn just before sunrise cirrus at dawn just before sunrise

Cirrus at dawn

sunrise with cirrus and tree cirrus at dawn just before sunrise cirrus at dawn just before sunrise

Cirrus together with orographic clouds over mountains

cirrus over Hottentots Holland with South Easter cloud cirrus and cap cloud over Muizenberg Mountain

Cirrus patterns over Constantiaberg, Table Mountain and Devil's Peak

cirrus pattern over Constantiaberg cirrus pattern over Table Mountain cirrus spectacle over Table Mountain and Devil's Peak cirrus in front on Devil's Peak

Alto cumulus and alto stratus spectacles

alto cumulus spectacles over Table Mountain and Devil's Peak alto cumulus over Table Mountain alto stratus spectacle

Click here to see the rest of my cloud photos.

Rainbow and cycle tour highlights from Edinburgh Drive in Newlands

rainbow over cycle tour on Edinburgh Drive in Newlands cycle tour coming up Edinburgh Drive in Newlands four on a bike!

Grass fire on Cape Flats from Kenilworth

grass fire on Cape Flats from Kenilworth

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26 Mar 1998 created