Gordo's photos from September 1998
All photos and text Copyright © 1998 Gordon Richardson gordonr@iafrica.com

Click on thumbnails to view full size
All images are compressed Jpegs - mostly 800x600 (<40K)

City Hall and towering shadows of clouds

City Hall and towering shadows of clouds

alto cumulus with shadows at dusk alto cumulus over palm tree

Sunset over river and sea from Milnerton beach

wide angle of sunset from Milnerton beach sunset over river and sea

Sunrise with clouds

sunrise with clouds

Fluffy Cirrus

fluffy cirrus over Muizenberg Mountain fluffy cirrus fluffy cirrus

fluffy cirrus

Streaky cirrus

streaky cirrus streaky cirrus streaky cirrus


alto cumulus


ragged cumulus cumulus heaped

Cloud chaos

cloud chaos


cirro cumulus cirro cumulus cirro cumulus

Cirrus waves
cirrus waves cirrus waves

Cirrus patterns

cirrus streaky cirrus fine patterns

Cirrus waves

cirrus waves

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28 Sep 1998 created