All photos Copyright © 1998 Gordon Richardson

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World of Birds Hout Bay
black swan tawny owl flamingoes

bright red birds peacock with feathers spread

maccaws parrots

bat eared fox

spiral staircase
spiral staircase

small creatures
spider and web dung beetles

regrowth of fynbos after clearing pine trees
leucospermum hypophyllocarpodendron purple flowers next to trtee stump

waves splashing on Jagger Walk Fishoek
waves splashing on Jagger Walk storm waves at Kalk Bay surfers on wave at St James

Kirstenbosch spring flowers purple vygies

DC3 in front of Table Mountain

waterfall on Boyes Drive waterfall and flowerson Table Mountain waterfall at Woodstock cave

City from inside Woodstock cave

protea bushes in front of Table Mountain

cirrus and rain cloud over Table Mountain
cirrus and rain cloud over TMount

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updated 05 Mar 1998