Gordo's photos from October/November 2000
All photos and text Copyright © 2000 Gordon Richardson gordonr@iafrica.com

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Cirrus streaks with Devil's Peak

cirrus streaks over Devil's Peak

Dawn altocumulus patterns

dawn altocumulus patterns

Sunrise on cirrus

sunrise on cirrus

Altocumulus puffy and rippled

puffy altocumulus altocumulus ripples

Sunset on cumulonimbus with rainbow

sunset on cumulonimbus with rainbow

Cirrus streaks above Zandvlei and Muizenberg Mountain

cirrus streaks above Zandvlei cirrus streaks above Muizenberg Mountain

Spring flowers and Muizenberg Peak

spring flowers and Muizenberg with Peak spring flowers and Muizenberg Peak with cirrus

Spring flowers and Silvermine Peak

Watsonias and Silvermine Peak spring flowers and Silvermine Peak

Flower with flat leaves

flower with flat leaves

Backlit Watsonias

backlit Watsonias closeup backlit Watsonias and sky

Tokai Forest and cliffs

Tokai Forest and cliffs

Crested Grebes feeding chick

Crested Grebes feeding chick

Whale tail and crane in Simonstown Harbour

whale tail with crane in Simonstown Harbour

Lenticular cloud with pale iridescence

lenticular cloud with pale iridescence

Cirrus and moon

streaky cirrus cirrus with moon

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09 Dec 2000 created
Note: Some images were slightly damaged by a light leak in the camera