Gordo's photos from June 2000
All photos and text Copyright © 2000 Gordon Richardson gordonr@iafrica.com

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Rainbow over Muizenberg Mountain

rainbow over Muizenberg Mountain

Winter at the Cape of Storms

Waves in the sun at Sea Point

waves in the sun at Sea Point

Waves and ship off Sea Point

waves and ship off Sea Point

Wave splash with rainbow (on the left)

wave splash with rainbow wave splash at Sea Point

Wave splashing at Moullie Point

wave splashing at Moullie Point

Waves splashing over breakwater at Cape Town harbour

waves and gulls at Cape Town harbour wave splash over harbour breakwater huge wave splash at end of harbour pier

Altocumlus patterns

altocumlus patterns

Virga at sunset

virga at sunset

Chapman's Peak recovering from fire
After 5 months the upper slopes look quite green

Chapman's Peak recovering from fire

Horses reflected in lagoon at Noordhoek

horses reflected in lagoon at Noordhoek

Trees reflected in pond at Boschenheuwel

trees reflected in pond at Boschenheuwel

Rainbow over Table Mountain and Devil's peak from Rondebosch Common

rainbow over Table Mountain and Devil's peak from Rondebosch Common rainbow over Devil's peak from Rondebosch Common

Lenticular cloud ripples

lenticular cloud ripples

Sunrise on altocumlus over mountains (same day)

sunrise on altocumlus over mountains sunrise on altocumlus over mountains

Constantia Nek and Cecilia Forest (wide angle and closeup)

Constantia Nek and Cecilia Forest from Wynberg farms slopes above Cecilia Forest from Constantia Nek

Rainbow in blue sky

rainbow in blue sky

Oil-spill cleanup

On Friday 23 June a ship sank and leaked oil into Table Bay.
No lives were lost, but many penguins on Robben Island suffered.

Workers cleaning oil-spill at Moullie Point
This scene is just to the right of the earlier waves splashing (above)

Workers cleaning oil-spill at Moullie Point closeup of workers cleaning oil-spill closeup of oil-spill at Mouliie Point

Birds perched above oiled rocks

birds perched above oiled rocks

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28 Jun 2000 created